MRI Burn
Medical Malpractice Attorneys in Pennsylvania
Contact Frischman & Rizza Today
Source: Health Imaging
Medical Malpractice Attorneys In Pennsylvania
After a traumatic incident, patients will often find their way to the emergency room or doctor’s office for help. It is natural to expect the proper diagnosis and treatment to resume your normal routine. However, doctors and other medical professionals make mistakes just like every one of us. Still, some medical mistakes are life-threatening or life-ending, which is why the law puts more pressure on them to handle patients with extra care.
If you have been experiencing pain that won’t go away even after treatment, the doctor may recommend undergoing MRI testing. MRI tests examine the internal non-bony portions of a human body to give information that cannot be diagnosed through a physical examination or even x-ray. These tests diagnose and treat the brain, spinal cord, heart, joints, kidneys, liver, and blood. Any negligence or medical mistake during an MRI procedure can leave the patient with a serious injury.
MRIs can go wrong for several reasons. Maybe the radiologist:
MRI burns are among the unexpected complications that occur during MRI testing. Find out how an experienced medical malpractice attorney can help you get compensation for personal injuries sustained during an MRI procedure.
There are various types of medical malpractice burns, including:MRI skin burns
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A Magnetic Resonance Image, or simply an MRI unit, produces images through magnetic waves. Unlike an x-ray or a CT scan that exposes the patient to radiation, magnetic resonance imaging uses magnetic pulses and radio wave energy to diagnose a medical condition. MRI exams are typically performed on the body’s soft tissues, such as the brain, the heart, internal organs, and the spinal cord. If the patient’s skin comes into contact with the MRI machine, burns occur. The energy transmitted currents can also cause excessive heat and cause burns on the skin and tissue. Burns can also occur if the radiologist uses a small machine to accommodate the patient’s body.
Contact with the
MRI machine can also happen if the doctor fails to align the patient’s body with the scanner. The skin burns from
MRI tests are also called thermal burns. Whatever the cause, you have the right to sue for compensation. Our medical malpractice lawyers in Pennsylvania are ready to help.
Recent estimates indicate that more than 10 million MRI examinations are performed in the United States each year. Although considered safe, MRI examinations are not without significant risk of injury to the patient. In particular, an MRI exam can cause burns requiring painful skin grafts.
MRI burn injuries are preventable by proper patient screening for ferrous magnetic materials and careful patient positioning within the
MRI unit.
Although multiple theories exist about how an MRI can cause a thermal injury, one theory is that the MRI’s magnetic force causes heat conduction in medical products or devices containing metal. As a result, careful screening must be performed before patients undergo an MRI to prevent a burn injury.
The MRI unit, which is essentially a large magnet, has a magnetic force at least 10,000 times the strength of the Earth’s magnetic force. The MRI unit, like other magnets, magnetically attracts ferrous metallic objects. As MRI technology has evolved, the magnetic force of MRI units has become more and more powerful, placing the patient at a greater risk for a burn injury. For example, patients with implantable wires from a pacemaker or defibrillator unit, a brain aneurysm clip, a cochlear implant, certain types of coronary artery stents, and various artificial joints are significantly affected by increased risk for a thermal or burn injury when undergoing an MRI. Also, patients with older tattoos that are dark in color have an increased risk of a burn injury due to iron oxide within the dye.
Technicians, MRI machine operators, and MRI machine manufacturers can be responsible for radiology accidents. However, 15 percent of medical malpractice claims involve radiologists. Over 70 percent of radiology malpractices leave patients with burns, while 10 percent lead to other injuries. Out of these accidents, 31 percent end up in court. If you are a victim, you can hold health care providers and medical facilities accountable by opening a medical malpractice lawsuit against them.
Burns from a medical procedure is considered medical malpractice because they happen under the care of a medical professional. The compensation you get for MRI burns depends on the severity of your burn, the size and location of the burn, and the treatment it needs. Permanent scars will attract a higher settlement value.
You can sue a radiologist for MRI burns if the procedure caused you any of the following:
MRI burn injuries can be extremely serious, whether from heat conduction or direct skin contact. Besides the burn injuries caused by heat conduction, some patients suffer second and third-degree burns from direct skin contact with the MRI unit’s radiofrequency (RF) coils. This injury most commonly occurs with larger patients or patients who are sedated to undergo an MRI and cannot feel their skin being burned. There are numerous reports of painful first and second-degree burn injuries. If you have suffered second and third-degree burns from MRI, our medical malpractice lawyers in Pennsylvania can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Also, some patients have suffered third-degree burns during MRI tests, requiring painful skin grafting. In one reported case, an infant required the amputation of her right arm when she suffered a third-degree burn after being placed into the MRI unit with a pulse oximeter with exposed wiring. Other recently reported burn cases involve pediatric patients who have been placed into a warming blanket that contains aluminum while undergoing an MRI.
Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Attorneys Craig Frischman and Bernard Rizza have been helping clients in Pennsylvania for over 35 years now. Their extensive knowledge and experience have seen them win many cases, winning recognition by the American College of Trial Lawyers as Pennsylvania’s top 1% lawyers. If you or your loved ones suffer burn injuries from medical procedures such as MRI tests, chemicals, laser procedures, and surgical fires, you can count on them to help you win your lawsuit and get the compensation you deserve. Compensation will cover the pain, trauma, disfigurement and permanent scars sustained in medical facilities.
Our lawyers will also ensure that you get compensation for medical expenses incurred while correcting lost wages during the recovery period. As professionals, we shall handle all confidential or sensitive information to avoid worrying about privacy. Call our law firm on (412) 247-7300 and talk to one of the best medical malpractice lawyers in Pennsylvania for a free consultation or fill out the contact form on our website for a free case evaluation.
We have no question that our approach will result in better representation, a better experience for you and your family, and a better result.
Call our Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Attorneys today! (412) 247-7300
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(412) 247-7300
201 Basin St Unit #8, Williamsport, PA 17701
(412) 247-7300
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