
Pittsburgh Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Contact Frischman & Rizza Today

Frischman & Rizza, P.C.

U.S Pedestrian Accident Quick Facts

Pedestrian-related crashes represent 3.2% of the total reported traffic crashes; however, they account for 17.2% of all traffic crash fatalities.

75% of all fatal pedestrian accidents occurred after dark.

The rate of pedestrian deaths per billion miles in the U.S. rose from 1.8 to 2.2 in 2020.

Pennsylvania Pedestrian and Bicycle Statistics

The streets of Pittsburgh and its suburbs are busy with motor vehicles, bikes, and people alike. Have you been a victim of a traffic accident in which you were a pedestrian or bicyclist? Perhaps a car struck you when the driver failed to see you or was impaired by a cell phone, drugs, or alcohol?

If so, you’re not alone. According to PennDOT, 1020 bicycle accidents in 2019 resulted in 1003 injuries. Another 16 cases resulted in the death of the cyclist. A majority of those injured or killed suffered a crash in broad daylight, with 62.5% of deaths and 77.5% of injuries occurring during daylight hours.

The same 2019 statistics source reported 4,101 pedestrian-related traffic accidents with 154 deaths.

Pedestrian accident lawyers can be of vital assistance if you’ve suffered an injury in a pedestrian or bicycle accident. Our experienced accident attorneys at the law firm of Frischman & Rizza will work hard on your behalf to advocate for you throughout the entire process of an injury claim. Our base is in Pittsburgh, but we serve clients across the state of Pennsylvania.

Even with the city’s aggressive push to create a biking infrastructure, accidents still happen. When they do, our goal is to help you receive the legal and financial justice you seek for your injuries and their impact on your life.

Have you been injured?

Contact an attorney at Frischman & Rizza for a free case evaluation   

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(412) 247-7300

Bicycle Accidents

According to the National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes and Behavior, more than 850 cyclist deaths a year are attributable to traffic accidents. 75% of those occur in busy cities such as Pittsburgh. Over the survey’s two-year period, two million cyclists suffered an injury, with 457,000 of those involving motor vehicles.

Most bicycle accidents in Pennsylvania occur where there are no traffic control devices in place. However, one out of four fatalities and injuries happened even when a traffic signal was in place.

One-third of pedestrian fatalities took place in the dark, with street lights in the area. In comparison, nearly two-thirds of all injuries took place during the daytime. The most significant percentage in both categories, three out of four fatalities and half the injuries occurred with no traffic control device in place at the crash scene.

Pedestrian Accidents

In Pennsylvania, pedestrian accidents account for 3.3% of all traffic-related accidents, but they made up 14.5% of all accident fatalities in 2019. That means you’re much more likely to be killed in a pedestrian accident than in other types of traffic accidents.

Of all the pedestrian traffic crashes reported:

  • 4% were entering a crosswalk or other location
  • 9% were walking, running, jogging, or playing
  • 8% were stationary
  • 26% counted as “Other”

Looking at just fatalities:

  • 3% were entering a crosswalk or other location
  • 3% were walking, running, jogging, or playing
  • 8% were stationary
  • 6% counted as “Other”

62% of all pedestrian traffic crashes took place in a city. While 22.5% took place in a township and 15.5% took place in a borough or town.

What to Do After a Pedestrian or Bicycle Accident

A bicycle or pedestrian accident is a traumatic event. Even so, it is crucial to take the following steps following an accident, if possible:

  • Immediately call 911 to set in motion all the proper emergency response teams.
  • Move to the side of the road to avoid further accidents.
  • Do not accept blame for the accident or attempt to apologize or negotiate with the other party involved with the accident.
  • Obtain eyewitness accounts from anyone who saw the accident occur.
  • Take photos or video to document the scene of the accident, including any damage or physical injuries.
  • Seek medical attention as soon as you are able, even if you feel fine. You may have subtle injuries that can worsen over time, even weeks after the initial accident.
  • Contact a professional pedestrian accident attorney. We have resources at our disposal to acquire additional evidence to help your case if you choose to pursue legal action.

Common Causes of Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents

There are many different causes of traffic accidents involving pedestrians and bicyclists, some of which include:

  • Driving while drunk or under the influence of other substances
  • Speeding
  • Failure to use turn signals
  • Not using headlights when required by bad weather or at night
  • Making turns at intersections without looking for pedestrians crossing
  • Cell phone use, such as texting while driving
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign
  • Failing to yield at a crosswalk
  • Poor road or crosswalk design

Common Pedestrian and Cyclist Injuries

Pedestrians and bicyclists are more vulnerable in an accident than someone inside a motor vehicle. Even accidents at low speeds can have life-altering effects on a person involved in a pedestrian or bicycle accident. Some common injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Broken bones
  • Cuts and scrapes
  • Dental injuries, such as cracked or lost teeth
  • Injuries to the eyes, causing impaired or lost vision
  • Mental health issues such as PTSD, stress, and anxiety
  • Spinal cord injuries like fractures, protrusions, disc herniations, and paralysis
  • Death

Pennsylvania Pedestrian and Bicycle Accident Attorneys

Pennsylvania’s statute of limitations is two years for a personal injury claim. If you fail to file within that amount of time, you will have lost your opportunity to file a claim.

Hiring a law firm such as Frischman & Rizza to handle a claim after a pedestrian or bicycle accident will ensure that you do not miss any deadlines.

Our pedestrian accident lawyers can also help you pursue compensation for any damages you incur in a bicycle or pedestrian accident. These damages may include:

  • Outstanding medical bills from serious injuries
  • Current and future medical treatment for injuries that require ongoing care
  • Lost wages from time you spend recovering from your injuries
  • Lost future wages if you cannot return to work
  • Pain and suffering from lasting injury
  • Emotional distress requiring prolonged therapy
  • Mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, or post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Disfigurement and scarring from significant injuries or necessary amputations
  • Embarrassment from scarring and disfigurement caused by the accident

Our firm can also help fight any claims that your insurance company fails to pay, ensuring that you receive proper compensation for any medical bills.

Were You Injured in a Pedestrian or Bicycle Accident?

Suppose you or a loved one gets hit by a car while walking or cycling. You may be able to file a personal injury claim to recover any damages you sustain in such an accident. That is where law firms such as Frischman & Rizza come in.

For over 32 years, our leading law partners at Frischman & Rizza have dealt with countless cases involving pedestrians or cyclists injured or killed in traffic accidents. Please call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our pedestrian and bicycle accident attorneys. You can reach us at (412) 291-9377 or fill out our contact form online.

Frischman & Rizza, P.C.

Getting Results

In Western PA Since 1992

The outcome of an individual case depends solely on the particulars of that case.

$ 1,200,000

Multiple Orthopedic Injuries

$ 210,000

Bicycle Accident With Multiple Fractures

$ 950,000

Death Caused By Drunk Driver

$ 750,000

Facial Trauma and Head Injuries

$ 1,200,000

MVA With Extensive Facial Injuries

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